Post-Easter at Tekapo
I just came home from a couple of days in Tekapo after Easter. We walked up to the Mt John Observatory, past the Tekapo outdoor ice rink (winter) and the hotsprings (year round!) and got to see a...
View ArticleSigns, labels and translations. China part 4
An endless source of entertainment were the signs, labels and various translations into English. I must admit that I was surprised by how much signage was in English, and of course it was very helpful...
View ArticleApril Scenery
We've had a very scenic month of April while having visitors from Canada. These are some of the highlights of our journeys.Kaikoura is one of our favourite spots. The seal colony, beach walk, cliff...
View ArticleAustralia trip 2013. Week 1, visiting Gold Coast
One week of sand, surf and (some) sun.Gold Coast, Queensland on a hazy day.Same stretch of beach on a clearer day. The yellow hut on stilts is the life guard station.However, the life guard is not...
View ArticleAustralia 2013 Week 2 visiting the rainforest
Mature Strangler Fig Tree.Week two of our trip to Australia was spent in the sub-tropical rain forests of the nearby mountains. The time was spent exploring the walking trails of both Tamborine...
View ArticleA Feast For The Eyes. Market Day.
I love a visit to the market, any market, for the riot of colours and textures and fascinating items available. Some known and many unknown. I think if I lived near this market in Melbourne, I'd be...
View ArticleA Walk Down Collins Street
The photos for this next bit of the blog were taken with a couple of friends in mind who enjoy strolling the streets and exploring the buildings and older architectural styles when visiting a new city....
View ArticleBeach combing
Crested Terns on Woolamai beach on Phillip IslandTo be clear, this is not a meadow looking at a grey hill-side. This is looking down a steep grassy hillside at the flat rock strewn beach at the bottom...
View ArticleExploring a bit of New Zealand with family over Christmas
Our travels took us from Castle Hill through to Cape Foulwind on the South Island, in Maori: Te Wai Pounamu. We passed through Arthur's Pass, the Otira Valley, Greymouth, Barrytown, Punakaiki and Cape...
View ArticleTramping in March
It's been a while since I last posted some photos and with the change of season it seemed like a good time to get the camera out and take a walk. That plus it was a gorgeous early autumn day here on...
View ArticleOddities of Travel
I find the fun part of holidays is finding the strange, peculiar, whimsical oddities along the way. Here are a few that caught my attention last month. This Dwarf is of course from Auckland airport and...
View ArticleArticle 0
Monday is frequently my day off and this week in July I took a visitor from the Czech Republic, (who is here in NZ playing for the Canterbury women's hockey team) up to Castle Hill and Arthur's Pass....
View ArticleA Monday hike up to Castle Hill
I've posted photos from Castle Hill before, but this trip included a walk up the hill on the left side of the Castle Hill rocks and still within the Castle Hill Basin. It was a lovely sunny winter day...
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